What is CranioSacral Threapy?
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is among the most gentle, non-invasive forms of manual therapy available. Its origins are derived from osteopathic medicine and is largely credited to John Upledger, who was a pioneer in bringing this work into the mainstream among bodyworkers and holistic health practitioners. The work primarily involves the observation of anomalies within the cerebrospinal fluid and its surrounding membranes and skeletal components, coupled with subtle guidance by the practitioner to allow release of restrictions and torsion patterns.
Sometimes considered “energy work” due to the passive nature of its protocol, CST in reality is very physically oriented and requires the practitioner to be highly sensitive to patterns of dysfunction within anatomical structures. While the work primarily focuses on the cranium, spinal cord, and sacrum, a natural extension of the work allows for treating the entire body, including visceral restrictions as well as injuries or challenges within the limbs.
What are the features of a CST session?
Similar to BioSync®, the work is best received wearing loose, comfortable clothing similar to that which would be worn to a yoga class or gym. The client typically lies supine on a table while the practitioner utilizes various hand placements and gentle touch to facilitate the opening of restrictions within tissue. Often the practitioner will engage the client in a dialog to illustrate observed dysfunctional patterns within the tissue and confirm the release of restricting patterns either symptomatically or as shifts are physically perceived.